Should you need financial assistance; we encourage you to take these steps:
Step 1. Look at the strategic partners below to determine if you are being served by one of them.
Step 2. If your strategic partner is not listed, please reach out to your case manager and ask them to request to become a strategic partner with us. If your strategic partner is listed, please request that they complete an application on your behalf.
Step 3. Once the application is completed, the turnaround time to review the application and reply to the strategic partner is within 48 hours.
Step 4. If the application is approved, the check is distributed within 72 hours.
Recognizing that healing can take up to 40% more time when stress is placed on the patient, Bloom Again Foundation seeks to alleviate some of the stress caused by financial concerns so that women can return to work as soon as possible. We achieve this goal through strategic partnerships with community agencies that identify women in need of financial assistance that will facilitate emotional and physical recovery and healing. To become a strategic partner with Bloom Again, please complete our application form by clicking here.